Our Jagannatha Vallabha Vedic Research Center was first
established in India, at Jagannatha Puri (Orissa) in 1995, and
started its publication work in 1998.
It was founded by Mataji Parama Karuna Devi, with the
encouragement of several friends and well-wishers who shared her
interest for the Hindu Resurgence Movement both in India and
In 2004 we acquired a small property just outside the holy city
of Jagannatha Puri, in Orissa, and gradually we built a large
facility in which we developed an English medium school for the
children of the surrounding villages, a traditional temple
dedicated to Jagannatha and parsva devata, offices and guest
rooms for visiting and residential students. The Center also had
a vocational training center, a good library, a publication
department and an Internet center.
The purpose was to facilitate communication, cooperation and
friendship between our visiting students and the local people,
to create a full immersion experience beyond prejudice and
fears. Visiting students were encouraged and supported in
directly experiencing traditional temple rituals, sadhana
practices, and interviews with authentic teachers and local
While the rural area of Piteipur and in general Puri and Orissa
started to develop towards industrialization and commercial
tourism, we collected the evidence of the old tradition, to keep
it at least partially available for the future generations.
In May 2019 the cyclone Fani devastated Odisha causing serious
damage to our project as well. We had no choice but to close our
place in Puri, at least temporarily. The deities have been
relocated and the social activities have been suspended for lack
of funds. We do not know when such programs will be resumed, but
we will post updates on our website.
In the meantime, our publications, courses, and academic work
continue on the virtual platform, both in English and Italian
On Quora
On YouTube
We are working on this new website
(www.jagannatha-vallabha.org), but we will also keep the old ones (www.jagannathavallabha.com,
etc) as a testimonial to the work we did in Puri.
We are now developing our organization in Europe and gathering
new students and coworkers, through the use of suitable virtual
technology to communicate, study and work together.
Our blog (xxx) will be refreshed and we will explore and develop
our presence on other social media.
As we regroup and reorganize logistically and financially, we
will produce more publications and multimedia presentations, and
maybe we will materialize a new physical location for
residential researchers and students.