The weekly meetings are open to the public, but those who
wish to participate must register in advance by sending an
email to xxxxx, containing at least a name and WhatsApp
contact number.
One day before the meeting the participants will receive by
WhatsApp the link to the meeting room, and will be invited
to join the WhatsApp discussion group, where all members can
propose questions and suggestions for the discussion.
All participants to the meetings must keep a constructive
and respectful attitude. Aggressive, foolish/ trollish or
offensive behavior can cause the participant to be removed
from the room and blocked from WhatsApp exchanges.
Participants can use nicknames or initials for themselves
and choose to keep their camera off, to maintain anonymity.
The virtual satsang meetings will be published on our
YouTube channel.
The courses and seminars will also be held in the virtual
room and require preliminary registration.
The link will usually remain the same, except in case of
emergency, but all participants will get a timely notice
about any change.
Each student is allowed to interrupt the presentation to ask
for clarifications. They can also contact the teacher off
line (through WhatsApp text or email) for any follow-up, at
any time.
Private video calls are usually discouraged, and private
voice calls should be scheduled in advance through text
The courses will be structured in study groups or as
individual study sessions, in a regular albeit flexible
weekly schedule.
The number of sessions can vary and has no maximum or
minimum limit. The number of participants can also vary.
The study plan is personalized
according to the needs and inclinations of each student,
with freedom to choose and focus on the areas of greater
interest, especially for the practical application on the
professional and personal level.
In accordance with the Vedic
tradition, all courses and seminars are free of cost, but
the students are expected to show appreciation and respect
for the teachings they receive, by asking all questions
honestly and humbly, and accepting the information and
instructions at least hypothetically.
Each student must offer some
reciprocation to the teacher to show gratefulness. This
offering can be a donation of money, objects or service, in
proportion to the means of each student.